Current Selections
Showing 20 of 1993 results

Council members of the largest city in Kentucky last night adopted a resolution with a strong message for the state’s two U.S. Senators, Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul: co-sponsor and help enact the Prevent All Soring Tactics Act to end the torture of Tennessee walking horses and other related breeds...

Before Lucky was known as Lucky, he was a nameless dog chained outside a shop in Yulin, China, with a sign in front of him advertising dog meat. He couldn’t have known that death was mere moments away, nor anticipate how his fate might change. Chinese animal activists—who are ramping up their fight...

One more luxury fashion brand has joined the mass exodus from fur. St. John, a brand popular among fashion-conscious shoppers, from models and actresses to first ladies, announced today that it will go completely fur-free with its pre-Fall 2019 collection. The company has also prohibited the use of...

Confining chickens in cages where they cannot even spread their wings is one of the cruelest practices in industrial factory farming. That’s why we have made it our mission to free every last hen from such confinement. Recent announcements from some of the biggest corporations in the United States...

A lawsuit currently being considered by the United States Supreme Court will have enormous consequences for millions of animals across the country—and we have news about major developments, some of it positive and some disappointing. Regardless, the fight continues. First, some background: The pork...

The year 2019 saw some spectacular victories in our campaigning for farm animals around the world. We spearheaded successful campaigns in three U.S. states to pass laws against the use of cages for egg-laying hens. Our work to reduce meat consumption also advanced as we partnered with food service...

We just hit another milestone in our work to improve the lives of farm animals: According to the latest statistics from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, more than 40% of hens used for eggs in the U.S. are now cage-free. We and our allies are transforming this massive $10 billion industry. Just 15 years ago, only 3% of hens used commercially were cage-free. This shift means that more than 100 million hens every year are spared from suffering in cages.

The world is moving toward a future dominated by sophisticated methods that use human cells, tissues and organs, 3D printing, robotics, computer models and other technologies to create approaches to testing and research that do not rely on animals. These methods are often faster, less expensive and...

Any day now, the Supreme Court of the United States could issue its ruling in one of the most important court cases in the history of the animal protection movement—one that could have implications for the quality of life of millions of farmed animals. First, a little background, in case you’re less...

In 2015, McDonald’s, one of the world’s largest and most iconic fast-food chains, agreed to switch 100% of the eggs that it purchases to only cage-free eggs in U.S. locations by 2025.

This week, Indianapolis became the 450th locality in the nation to prohibit the sale of puppy mill puppies in pet stores. The passage of this ordinance also means that half of the 20 largest cities in the nation won’t allow puppy mill puppies to be sold in retail pet stores—a strong statement to...

In a massive step forward, Canada has just passed a ban on cosmetics animal testing and the sale of beauty products that rely on new animal test data to substantiate their safety, becoming the second North American country to do so; Mexico passed such a ban in 2021. Our Humane Society International...

We are finally seeing some breakthrough changes in how society views farm animals and, therefore, how they are treated. Right now, in the U.S., we're in a pitched battle to defend Proposition 12 and similar legislation to protect animals raised for food from proposed undermining language in the Farm Bill, a legislative package the U.S. Congress passes every few years to govern agricultural and food programs. With so much progress for farm animals hanging in the balance, it was great to see our colleagues in Great Britain rejoice last week when the UK Parliament finally banned the live export of farmed animals for fattening and slaughter. 

Update 12/20/22: President Biden signed the Big Cat Public Safety Act into law. In a major advance in our long fight against the abuse of captive big cats, the U.S. Senate just passed the Big Cat Public Safety Act (H.R. 263/ S. 1210), a bill we have championed for years because it prohibits keeping...

In one of the most pervasive inequities across the U.S., tens of millions of families with pets struggle to gain access to care and resources for their companion animals. We believe that a deep connection with pets transcends boundaries of socioeconomics, race, ethnicity and geography, and that no...

A backyard breeder of primates who has been on our radar for years was in the news this week for an incident that defies all common sense. Michael Poggi, who runs his operation from his home in Florida, charged a man $150 in August for a “full contact experience” with an adult leopard in his...

Maryland has a groundbreaking new tool to help the state transition away from animal experiments. This week, Gov. Wes Moore signed HB 626/SB 560 into law, making Maryland the first state to require that animal laboratories contribute to a research fund that will be used to provide grants for...

The Humane Society of the United States has helped pass laws to end the sale of puppies in pet stores in three states and more than 365 U.S. cities, counties and towns. But our work doesn’t end there. We also work to help ensure these laws are neither ignored nor evaded. Recently we focused on a pet...

When Brown Puppy's family brought him into the Rural Area Veterinary Services clinic in San Carlos, Arizona, he was suffering from a bad head wound. Another dog had bitten him, and Brown Puppy’s head was so swollen that he could not lift it. His eyes were shut tight. Working fast, a team of...

As a Massachusetts native, I’m excited about my home state’s latest positive action for animal protection, the passage of a comprehensive omnibus anti-cruelty bill, “PAWS II,” a few days ago by both chambers of the state legislature. PAWS II, which awaits the signature of Governor Charlie Baker...