Current Selections
Showing 20 of 1994 results

With a historic law we helped pass that bans greyhound racing in Florida about to take effect at the beginning of 2021, the last three remaining racetracks in the state have announced the dates for their final races in December. It would not be a stretch to say that once the dogs cross the finish...

Greyhound racing moved closer than ever to its certain demise in the United States this week, with two significant victories in Florida and Alabama. On Monday, a U.S. District Court judge rejected a lawsuit by the greyhound industry that sought to overturn Amendment 13, the historic measure that...

Who doesn’t love a good Valentine’s Day tale, especially one involving dog rescue? We celebrated several such “tails” this last week, all tied to our global campaign to end the dog meat trade. In the first instance, Humane Society International responders deployed to a dog farm in Hongseong County...

It has been six years since the death of Cecil, a male lion who was a popular individual for wildlife viewing tourists visiting Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe. The heartbreaking details of the hunt that killed Cecil made international headlines: Cecil was lured out of the protected area with...

In a landmark decision this week, Hawaii has moved to ban dangerous wild animals, including tigers, lions, bears, primates, elephants and crocodiles, from being brought into the state to perform in circuses, carnivals and other public exhibitions. This regulation, approved by the Hawaii Board of...

Update 11/24/2023: Our team in Mexico wrapped up three weeks of disaster response work, helping more than 1,300 animals in the aftermath of deadly Hurricane Otis. This massive effort from our team on the ground meant that veterinary care and much-needed pet food and other supplies could reach the...

After years of drought, the communities of Garissa, Kenya, struggle to find the basic building block of life: water. Humane Society International has been supporting drought response and mitigation efforts in the northeastern Kenyan county since 2021.

Over the weekend, I said goodbye to an old friend: my car, a 2001 Prius. She carried me to and from work every day for nearly two decades, occasionally ferrying animals I’d rescued from the streets of the District of Columbia and at other times bringing several foster-fails to my home to join my...

Update: By the time our team departed the area in mid-September, 872 families were served during our response effort, including 9,083 animals. When we learned that Hurricane Idalia would likely make landfall, we identified the best means for us to help care for animals in a potential crisis and...

So much of our work centers on making positive progress for animals, helping to pass state or federal laws to ensure their protection, working on corporate social responsibility campaigns to get companies to change their practices or appealing directly to the public to raise awareness. But sometimes...

We now know for certain that the Farm Bill to be considered by the U.S. House Agriculture Committee contains language that seeks to undo more than a dozen state laws on humane treatment of farm animals including California’s Proposition 12, widely considered the nation’s strongest law on farm animal welfare. The groundbreaking ballot initiative was voted into law by a wide margin, with more than 7.5 million voters supporting it, and was later upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court after the pork industry lobby filed legal challenges.

We recently celebrated progress toward protecting wolves, bears, coyotes, cougars, foxes, bobcats and other native carnivores living on the vast U.S. National Wildlife Refuge System, when the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service advanced a rule that would protect them from lethal and flawed “predator control” programs. Until the rule is finalized, however, their lives still hang in the balance, waiting for a decision that could mean the difference between life and death. Such is the power that public policy has over the lives of animals. And it’s just one decision that we’re urging the Biden administration to make before election season stalls critical activity to finalize protections for so many species.

The road to a more humane and just society for animals is paved by many hands and hearts doing many different kinds of work: Sheltering and finding loving homes for dogs, cats and other companion animals in local communities; tending to sick and injured animals, from those who share our homes to...

With the weight of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine heavy in our hearts, we are thinking of the Ukrainian people and their animals and identifying ways to help them now and over the longer term. How could we do otherwise with a torrent of images and news reports flooding in all around us? People...

Update 11/15/21: President Biden signed the bipartisan infrastructure package into law. The infrastructure bill included $350 million dollars for wildlife crossings, which is a huge victory for wildlife and people! This critical funding will go towards creating wildlife bridges across busy...

The facts are clear: More than 88 billion land animals are bred, raised and slaughtered for food every year. The animal agriculture industry is responsible for at least 14.5% to 16.5% of human-induced greenhouse gas emissions globally, on par with emissions from all the planes, trains, automobiles...

Starting in the 1980s, people all over the world began to feel disgusted by veal, when the treatment of baby cows was exposed: Veal was produced by separating baby cows from their mothers and raising them in tiny crates where they could barely move. Many people decided to draw a line and refrain...

More than forty years since the global moratorium on commercial whaling was adopted, it is justly regarded as one of the most important conservation and animal protection measures of all time. By most estimates it’s saved hundreds of thousands of whales from the harpoon and prevented the extinction...

Our investigator found puppies suffering from hacking coughs, nasal discharge or open wounds at a Petland store in Novi, Michigan.