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Showing 20 of 1994 results

Leaving pets locked in cars is never safe. But when the weather gets warmer, it can be deadly. High temperatures can cause irreparable organ damage and even death. Protecting animals from an unnecessary death is a problem we can all agree to prevent. How to help a dog or cat left in a hot car Take...

Cold weather can be deadly for pets. As the temperature plummets in many parts of the country, the Humane Society of the United States sees a marked increase in the number of complaints about dogs and cats who have been left outside with no food or shelter. We encourage you to contact local law...

Skunks live all over the place and if your dog gets curious about one, they may end up with a face full of stink. If your pooch gets sprayed, there are ways you can rid them of the scent without having to buy up every can of tomato juice in the area. Over-the-counter products (such as Nature's...

In March, as people struggled to understand how the precursor of the virus that causes COVID-19 emerged from horseshoe bats in southern China and reached humans in the central city of Wuhan, Humane Society International policy specialist Peter Li fielded one question again and again: “Why do Chinese...

If you have a full-time job and also attempt to be a good friend, partner, parent and pet owner, you might assume that adding volunteering to the mix would make you feel more stressed. Yet numerous studies show the opposite: A 2015 study in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine...

Are you getting a new dog or thinking about it? We're so excited for you and we know you'll give your new companion a great, loving home. Once you've decided you're ready for a dog, the next big decision is where to find this lifelong family member. You'll want to make sure to not get an animal from...

The anticipation of a storm can give many pets and their owners anxiety. We don't always know why some dogs are afraid of thunder, and these types of fears may develop even if your dog has had no traumatic experiences associated with the sound. The good news is that many fear-related problems can be...

What is declawing? Declawing is the amputation of the last bone of each toe on a cat’s paw. It would be like cutting off your finger at the last knuckle. The standard method of declawing is amputating with a scalpel or guillotine clipper. The wounds are closed with stitches or surgical glue, and the...

The choice to spay or neuter your pet may be one of the most important decisions you make impacting their long-term health—and your wallet! Your pet's health and longevity The average lifespan of spayed and neutered cats and dogs is demonstrably longer than the lifespan of those not. A University of...

They slip soundlessly through our landscapes, cloaked in a rainbow of colors and patterns that help them become one with bark, rocks, leaves and soil. Often the only sign of their existence is what they leave behind: ghostly shed skins imprinted with shapes of eyes and scales, traces of pigmentation...

Every dog needs a collar, chiefly because they need something on which to hang their leash, license, ID and rabies vaccination tag. There are so many styles of collar out there that it's easy to get one that reflects your dog's (or your) personality—but collars serve purposes beyond identification...

I’ve often dreamt of taking plant-based food to the land of my ancestors here in Brazil. As a chef with Humane Society International, I create plant-based recipes based on ingredients available in schools and have trained hundreds of chefs in how to make them. This year we partnered with the...

ISLANDIA, New York – With the success of its 2022 Veggabóls launch, the first 100% plant-based K-12 concept in the country, Whitsons Culinary Group has taken steps to increase its sustainability goal. This decision has been driven by the success of the schools they service which are working to...

The house next door sits vacant, placed on the market after the last renter moved out. A succession of owners has knocked down walls, replaced carpeting and installed standard-issue appliances. Edging the exterior are shrubs from conventional landscaping palettes, including invasive species that...

By some human standards, my pond is a hot mess. Underneath and around the water lilies are fallen leaves, branches and other debris of decomposing plants. Along the edges, sea oats, sedges and swamp sunflowers hug the rocks. But if humans are picky in their desire for orderliness, frogs are just as...

Maryland legislators have introduced three bills to improve wildlife management and coexistence in the state. These bills promote humane coexistence with black bears, increase the diversity of voices and scientific input in the state’s wildlife policymaking process, and improve the procedure for...

Extreme weather events like wildfires can kill wild animals, either from the fire itself, through smoke inhalation or through loss of habitat. Animals who are very young, old or otherwise unable to move away quickly are particularly vulnerable. Wild animals cope with wildfires in a variety of ways...

The Humane Society Wildlife Land Trust protects wildlife by permanently preserving habitat and providing humane stewardship.

In this issue of All Animals, we’re looking back on 2022 and celebrating some of the year’s biggest wins for animals—all made possible by your support. (Sparing nearly 4,000 beagles from life in a lab was a real milestone!) We’re also sharing a plant-based recipe from one of our chefs at Humane...