Current Selections
Showing 20 of 1993 results

Decaying logs and miniature bogs, hollowed stalks and piled rocks, nutritious pollen and leaves fallen: They’re not the stuff of traditional nursery rhymes and baby showers. But if wild mothers-to-be had gift registries, these natural supplies would top the list. Though the basic elements for...

Toys are essential to keeping your dog happy and healthy. Get the HSUS's tips on the best and safest toys for your dog. We'll also tell you how to make the most out of your dog's toys.

House training (also known as potty training or housebreaking) your dog or puppy requires patience, commitment and lots of consistency. Accidents are part of the process, but if you follow these basic house training guidelines, you can get the newest member of your family on the right track. How to...

In a few short months, the sweet scent of thawing soil will have me searching under trees, by streams and in gardens for new life peeking into the frosty air. During winter’s dark days, it’s hard to imagine anyone more excited about spring’s brave first blooms. But just below ground, creatures on a...

Machine-washable items Add a one pound box of baking soda to your regular detergent and wash as usual, air drying if possible. If you can still see or smell the soiling, wash again with an enzymatic cleaner—these break down pet waste odors. If your pet soils the sheets or blankets on a bed, cover...

The chance to see wild animals draws millions of people outdoors each year. While spotting wildlife in nature is certainly exciting, it’s important not to lose sight of the negative impact we can have on animals, especially when we enter their habitats. Follow these tips on how to responsibly watch...

Scratching is a normal, instinctive cat behavior. Cats have a need to scratch. They do it to express emotions, like excitement or stress, to mark objects with their scent (they have scent glands in their paws), to remove the dead part of their nails and, often, just to get a good stretch. It’s also...

Dogs jump for all kinds of reasons: attention, excitement or not knowing what else to do when they see a person. Does your dog jump on you as if they've got springs on their feet? Like it or not, we humans are to blame. We not only permit this behavior, we encourage it. We know we shouldn't...

Dogs peeing in unwanted spots, whether it’s in the house or on top of a flower garden in the backyard, can be stressful for pet owners. But with some work and patience, you can address the problem and help prevent future incidents. If you have already successfully completed potty training, your dog...

Sooner or later, many dog lovers return home to find some unexpected damage inflicted on their furniture, shoes or other items by their dog or, more specifically, their dog's teeth. Although dogs make great use of their vision and sense of smell to explore the world, one of their favorite ways to...

Trimming a cat’s claws every few weeks is an important part of maintaining your pet’s health and protects him, you, your family and visitors as well as the sofa, curtains and other furniture.

Maggie the pig was abandoned on an island in a river, then rescued after a flood. First, she nearly starved. Then, she nearly drowned. When Maggie arrived at Black Beauty Ranch in March 2023 at age 2, caregivers hoped to give her a life that would make up for all the suffering. But the pig, bred to...

What does it take to keep the nearly 650 animals at Black Beauty Ranch satiated, medicated and hydrated? A whole lotta produce, plus a dash of creativity. Here’s how sanctuary staff provide balanced diets, guided by the veterinary team.

Black Beauty Ranch offers a fresh start to the domestic and exotic animals who roam its 1,400 acres. Whether they were rescued from roadside zoos, research laboratories or the exotic pet trade, some struggle to acclimate to life as wild animals. While providing the necessities that support their...

The stories reach Amanda Arrington via text message these days: The immunocompromised hospital worker in Milwaukee who brought her spunky dog, Rusty, onto her porch to give a socially distant thanks when a Pets for Life team member dropped off dog food. The veteran with four dogs—including a...

Want to help fireflies? Be kind to moles. Interested in nurturing habitats for bees and butterflies? Welcome mice, squirrels, deer, beetles and wasps. Want to see more birds? Make sure you have a haven for spiders. To those who view certain lesser-loved animals as garden destroyers, such advice...

Some 200 dogs are on their way to loving homes after Humane Society International/Korea closed its 18th dog meat farm in March. After nearly three decades in the business and with HSI’s support, Mr. Yang*—a dog meat farmer in Chungcheong province—will retire his business and transition to growing...

Learn how you can turn community parks, corporate properties, places of worship and even apartment balconies into havens for wildlife, people and pets.

WASHINGTON—Today, the House of Representatives approved the Prevent All Soring Tactics (PAST) Act, H.R. 5441, by an overwhelming 304 to 111 bipartisan vote. The Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society Legislative Fund applaud this crucial vote to protect Tennessee walking horses and...