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Last week, the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released its latest report , one of the most comprehensive assessments of climate change to date. The report draws clear links between human-caused climate change and extreme regional weather events, concluding that some...

Our disaster relief team does not shy away from challenging conditions when it comes to helping animals and their families. In 2020, they responded to animals’ needs following the devastation wrought by Australia's wildfires, and last year they went to save animals after the earthquakes in Türkiye. The team’s experience, training and preparation make such a difference. Now our disaster relief team has deployed to Chile to help save hundreds of animals in the wake of devastating and fatal fires. Thousands of people and potentially hundreds of companion animals have been affected, suffering with burns, smoke inhalation and other injuries, with many dogs and cats displaced with or without their families. In this guest blog, Felipe Marquez, our program manager for Latin America region disaster response, shares a glimpse of the team’s work in the field.

No one deserves to live with the suffocating stench of ammonia and floors, countertops and walls smeared with feces and filth. And yet this is what our Animal Rescue Team discovered at a residence in Topeka, Kansas, early Tuesday morning, where a total of 73 animals were languishing. Our team...

Rosemarie Haddad had recently lost her husband of many years when her beloved dog became terminally ill. The best thing she could do for her longtime companion was humane euthanasia. In a moment of grief and loneliness, she called the Petland at Carriage Place in Columbus, Ohio, to inquire about a Rottweiler puppy.

As human development and activity increasingly encroach on wild habitats, one of the most challenging parts of protecting wild animals from suffering is figuring out solutions for coexistence. In this shrinking wild world, elephants have a particularly hard time—in part because their ranges are so...

Three years ago this month, something truly extraordinary happened for animals. California’s Proposition 12, the groundbreaking ballot initiative considered the strongest law in the world for farm animals, was voted into law by a wide margin, with more than 7.5 million voters supporting it. We are...

Our mission is to end suffering for all animals, and this so often centers around boosting the public policy work of the humane movement. That’s why we encourage supporters to advocate for animal protection legislation and related proposals by contacting their elected officials and becoming more...

Earlier this week, we joined Born Free USA, FOUR PAWS USA and Last Chance for Animals in a national campaign to persuade department store Dillard’s to go fur-free. Unlike its fur-free competitors Macy’s, Bloomingdale’s, Nordstrom, T.J. Maxx, Kohl’s, Neiman Marcus and Saks Fifth Avenue, Dillard’s is...

As the runways are being set up for Fashion Weeks this February and March in New York, London, Milan and Paris, we, along with our fellow members of the global coalition the Fur Free Alliance, are launching the biggest anti-fur campaign of all time, urging millions of fur-free supporters across dozens of countries to ask Max Mara to join modern competitors like Armani, Gucci, Valentino and Dolce&Gabbana in going fur-free.

Over the years at the only zoo in Puerto Rico, hurricanes, COVID, damaged infrastructure and alleged underfunding had taken a terrible toll. When it became clear that the facility no longer had the resources to care for its hundreds of animals and would have to close, we, along with several other...

The annual Taking Action for Animals Conference, organized by the Humane Society of the United States with the Humane Society Legislative Fund and other supportive organizations, concluded today with hundreds of participants lobbying their members of Congress on Capitol Hill and discussing important...

Any day now, the Supreme Court of the United States could issue its ruling in one of the most important court cases in the history of the animal protection movement—one that could have implications for the quality of life of millions of farmed animals. First, a little background, in case you’re less...

The past four years have seen a tragic, record-breaking spike in the numbers of grizzly bears killed in conflicts with humans in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. In fact, more than 70 percent of grizzly bear deaths in this region are now caused by human activity, and almost all are preventable...

When a rhesus macaque named Nanette gave birth to her daughter, Gabby, they were living in a biomedical research laboratory. In the wild, the daughter macaques typically stay with their mothers their entire lives, but in the laboratory setting it is common practice for baby macaques to be taken away...

Recently, a group of people from the Asociacion Rescate y Conservacion de Vida Silvestre (known as ARCAS), with the support of Humane Society International/Latin America, arrived at the protected Maya Biosphere Reserve in the rainforests of Guatemala to right a wrong,

Earlier this month we told you about Lucky, a dog saved moments before slaughter in Yulin, as the city began preparing for its infamous lychee and dog meat “festival” later in June. Since Lucky’s rescue, local activists have been vigilant in their determination to end this event for good. In the...

New Jersey is poised to allow trophy hunters to kill the state’s beloved black bears starting next month using barbaric methods like baiting the animals with piles of rotting sugary food. The plan would also allow hunters to chase bears off state lands, where bear hunting is not allowed, and onto...

Recently, as people are starting to head back into the office, I’ve been getting questions about what’s happening with “pandemic pets” — dogs, cats and other animals who people brought into their homes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Reporters want to know whether we have noticed any trends — are...

Last week, Israel became the first country in the world to ban the sale of new fur products used for fashion. We want to share why this is meaningful progress for animals and for advocates around the globe fighting for a fur-free future. A strong recognition of the inherent cruelty to animals in the...

Every animal has a story, and for World Chimpanzee Day, I want to tell you David’s. David is a chimp who now lives at Second Chance Chimpanzee Refuge, our sanctuary in Liberia. Fiercely loyal to his friends (fellow chimpanzees Rose, Jiminy Cricket and Tipsy), David often patrols the edge of the...