Current Selections
Showing 20 of 225 results

An effective way to galvanize support for animal protection issues and legislation is to participate in your federal, state and local legislators’ town hall meetings and community forums. Attending and speaking at these events will help you build a trusted connection with your legislators on behalf...

You may think that cats have to go outside to be happy. But cats would disagree with you (and so would local birds!) Actually, close to two-thirds of owned cats live indoors either exclusively or for a majority of the time. Cats can live a happy and healthy life indoors with their families. Allowing...

Rochester Institute of Technology has committed to having 50% plant-based offerings on menus by 2025, in collaboration with the Humane Society of the United States.   As part of this effort, HSUS chefs provided an in-person plant-based culinary training to the university culinary staff. These events...

Standing in the street and admiring each other’s gardens one day, Sherrie Pelsma and her neighbor made a discovery: They’d become hosts to a buzzing block party. “We could actually see the air traffic of bees and butterflies crossing the street between our two habitats,” recalls Pelsma. “I said,...

One of the Humane Stewardship Alliance’s newest members—Nirvana Ridge Wildlife Refuge—is a 170-acre property in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Here, Karen Lamb, Refuge founder and a licensed wildlife rehabilitator, provides safe habitat for wildlife and essential care for orphaned, sick...

Looking for rental housing that will welcome your whole family, including pets? We can help.

Everything from our household cleaning habits to the way we interact with our cats can cause anxiety and stress. And when cats face multiple sources of stress, they can become very unhappy. Cat stress can lead to problematic behaviors, like peeing outside the litter box, and it can also affect their...

Mice, like all animals, like to stay warm and fed, and often spend their lives comfortably inside buildings without causing any problems. If you still need to show them the door, these humane tips will help you find them a new home. Learn More About Mice Contents How can I humanely remove mice? What...

Our Animal Rescue Team deployed to Muncie, Indiana, in October 2021 ready to rescue dozens of cats living in filthy conditions inside a residential property. As rescuers entered the house, they encountered an unexpected obstacle: A black-and-white cat approached them and began rubbing against their...

The woodland phloxes bring the heavenly scents of spring, and the fireflies bring the sparkling lights of summer. Even in the depths of winter, cardinals, white-throated sparrows, northern flickers, mourning doves and squirrels bring all the music and entertainment we could ever need—right in front...

Guinea pigs have a lot of appealing qualities: They're small, gentle and personable, just to name a few. Like all companion animals though, they require special care and attention. Here are some important questions to consider before adopting a guinea pig: Where should you get a guinea pig? Instead...

Herlan Manurung became a chef for the stories. During his childhood in Sumatra, Indonesia, food was the center of his family’s social life: Once a month his extended family gathered together, with everyone bringing a dish to share. There were few set recipes and lots of innovation. An uncle might...

WASHINGTON—This week, 34 dogs are arriving at Washington Dulles International Airport from South Korea where they were rescued from the dog meat industry by Humane Society International/Korea and its partners. Romeo, Nuri, Daisy, Phoenix, Brown Bear and the other dogs coming to the U.S. will be...

Media Downloads: Dogs Arriving in the U.S. and Settling in at Care Center Dogs Leaving South Korea at Incheon Airport Rescue at the Dog Meat Farm WASHINGTON―One month after the South Korean government announced a bill to ban the dog meat industry, 27 dogs rescued by Humane Society International from...

Leaving your beloved companion home while you’re at work or travelling is hard enough; finding a trustworthy pet sitter shouldn’t be. Faced with hectic schedules and long commutes—or even a pet who’s dealing with separation anxiety—more people are hiring professional sitters to ensure their animals’...

The summer months can be uncomfortable—even dangerous—for pets and people. It's difficult enough simply to cope with rising temperatures, let alone thick humidity, but things really get tough in areas that are hit with the double blow of intense heat and storm-caused power outages, sometimes with...

For more than half a century, the Humane Society of the United States and the Humane Society Legislative Fund have campaigned for the safety and preservation of wild horses and burros on our western rangelands. There is room for debate on how best to manage wild horses and burros on public lands...