Current Selections
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WASHINGTON—Approximately 20 million pets in the U.S. experience poverty with their families and 70% have never seen a veterinarian*. According to a new Harris Poll survey conducted on behalf of the Humane Society of the United States**, only around one in four Americans (28%) are even aware of this...

This list is provided as a resource for horse owners and is for informational purposes only. Please contact specific vendors for more information on their services. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of all listings. This list is not exhaustive and is subject to change over time. The...

India leaps into his pool, pouncing on a purple plastic egg—his favorite toy, according to his caregivers. After a few minutes, the tiger ambles over to his watering tub. Instead of taking a drink, he plops in and closes his eyes in contentment. Although he’s young—roughly 10 months old on this June...

Because beauty should be kind.

To keep wild animals where they belong—in the wild—and out of zoos and circuses.

For horses to be spared cruel and needless deaths.

To help suffering birds.

To save horses and burros from cruelty.

Your ability to vote (and mobilize other voters) is your superpower in the lawmaking arena The primary motivation of your legislators is getting reelected. The number and strength of the animal-friendly laws we’re able to pass is directly proportionate to the strength of the voting bloc for animals...

Studies show that pets can ease anxiety, depression and loneliness, particularly in older adults and veterans who live alone. You can help pets and people in your community in so many ways.

From severe temperatures and loud noises to potentially poisonous decorations and table scraps, holidays and other seasonal occasions can be tricky to navigate for your pet's safety and comfort. We can help.

Detenga el trato cruel a los perros en las operaciones masivas de cría de cachorros.

Every year, we're able to rescue thousands of animals from puppy mills, animal fighting operations, disasters and other large-scale situations of cruelty and neglect, thanks to your support. Here are some of the animals you've helped us save.

In this issue of All Animals, we’re looking back on 2022 and celebrating some of the year’s biggest wins for animals—all made possible by your support. (Sparing nearly 4,000 beagles from life in a lab was a real milestone!) We’re also sharing a plant-based recipe from one of our chefs at Humane...

Join us in the fight for all animals! Search available employment, paid internship and volunteer opportunities across our family of organizations.

A humane backyard is a safe haven for wildlife—a space where animals can thrive free from pesticides, trapping and other threats.

Humane Leaders are dedicated advocates who help the Humane Society of the United States fight for all animals.