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Contents What is the Humane Society of the United States doing to help farm animals? What are some of the biggest problems farm animals face? Aren't there laws that protect farm animals from abuse? What are ag-gag bills? Don't animals have to be treated well to be productive? What can I do to help...

Scientists have just begun to scratch the surface when it comes to understanding bird brains. But studies have shown what backyard chicken caregivers already know: The world’s most most intensively farmed animal has remarkable cognitive abilities.

Pets get into everything and, like babies, tend to explore the world with their mouths. Make sure they stay safe by checking your home and yard for plants that could cause an emergency vet visit. It's also important to familiarize yourself with what table scraps are OK to share and which to avoid...

On a longline fishing boat off the Galapagos Islands, a concerned biologist working undercover as a cook films a horrifying scene. As the camera rolls, a blue shark is dragged upside down out of the water, a sharp hook piercing it through the roof of the mouth and out through the side of the face...

Toys are essential to keeping your dog happy and healthy. Get the HSUS's tips on the best and safest toys for your dog. We'll also tell you how to make the most out of your dog's toys.

Crate training a puppy takes advantage of the dog’s natural instincts to seek out a comfortable, quiet and safe place when the environment around them becomes too loud or overwhelming. It’s an important tool in preventing dogs from chewing on items in the home or during housetraining. Crates are...

Prairie dogs are one of the most controversial and widely misunderstood wildlife species in North America. Since early European migration onto the North American grasslands, prairie dogs have been celebrated as an essential keystone species for healthy grasslands ecosystems, but also vilified and...

Canada's annual commercial seal hunt is the largest slaughter of marine mammals on the planet. Facing harsh criticism the world over because of the hunt's cruelty and unsustainability, the Canadian government and fishing industry have spread much misinformation. Here are the basic facts about the...

Skunks, easily identifiable by their characteristic black and white striping, are infamous for producing a foul odor when frightened. Although a skunk’s spray is known mostly for its robust smell, it can also cause intense discomfort if it gets into a person or animal’s eyes. People will go to...

You find your cat rolling and twisting on the floor, rubbing his face against it and drooling everywhere. Right away you know — they've been in the catnip.

Your garden couldn’t flourish without wildlife. Butterflies, bees, bats and hummingbirds help with pollination, while groundhogs, moles and worms work on soil aeration, just to mention a few of the key players. Even so, you may not want your flowers and vegetables becoming someone’s snack. Plan...

Contents What is meant by "chaining" or "tethering" dogs? Why do people tether their dogs? Why is tethering bad for dogs? How does tethering dogs pose a danger to humans? How should dogs be confined and restrained safely? Should tethering ever be allowed? What about attaching a dog's leash to a...

Perhaps more than any other wild animal, rats have adapted to living among humans. Rats are adaptable survivors, consistently resisting increasingly dangerous and cruel attempts to exterminate them, from progressively stronger poisons (which can cause collateral damage to other wildlife) to a wide...

White-tailed deer, North America’s most abundant larger herbivore, number an estimated 30 to 35 million in the United States, found in every state but Alaska, California, Hawai'i, Nevada and Utah. With hunting restrictions, their population has rebounded to where it was before Europeans arrived...

Keeping your pet cats inside is the best way to ensure their safety and protect wild animals in the area. But if you’re feeding community cats or your neighbors let their kitties roam—and you also enjoy putting out bird feeders—follow these tips to promote everyone’s safety.

Thanks to widespread pet vaccinations, effective post-exposure treatment and the relative rarity of undetected bites by rabid animals, the number of human deaths from rabies in the United States caused has declined to an average of only one or two per year—far less than the number of human...

When your beloved dog is lost, it can be a traumatic experience for both of you. But don't panic—you need to think clearly, act quickly and create a game plan for recovering your pet based on typical lost dog behavior and your dog’s personality. Conduct a search Start with a thorough physical search...

Every dog needs a collar, chiefly because they need something on which to hang their leash, license, ID and rabies vaccination tag. There are so many styles of collar out there that it's easy to get one that reflects your dog's (or your) personality—but collars serve purposes beyond identification...

House training (also known as potty training or housebreaking) your dog or puppy requires patience, commitment and lots of consistency. Accidents are part of the process, but if you follow these basic house training guidelines, you can get the newest member of your family on the right track. How to...

Bringing a new dog into your life is an exciting event, but it’s also one that can be stressful for both you and your pup until you’ve settled into a routine. It can take days, months or longer for you and your pet to adjust to each other and for your dog to acclimate to your home, especially if...