Current Selections
Showing 20 of 601 results

Updates Nov. 28: The cats have been placed with our shelter and rescue partners to find loving homes. We are happy to hear that many of the cats have been adopted and are enjoying life in their new homes! Nov. 7: After almost a month of care and veterinary treatment, the cats are ready to look for...

The words might seem alarming: “Positive for FIV.” Because many people are unfamiliar with feline immunodeficiency virus, it can seem like a daunting diagnosis for potential adopters. Yet the myths and misconceptions around FIV—such as the mistaken assumption that it is a “death sentence”—might...

Today’s the day. You’re ready to add a cat to your household. You’re at the shelter, excited but nervous because you’re not just choosing for yourself. There’s someone else at home: someone who will soon have to share living space, litter boxes and your attention. Staring at an array of cages...

It’s a horrible, panic-inducing situation: Your cat has gone missing. What can you do to get your beloved companion safely back home? First, don’t give up. Persistence is key, and you may need a combination of search strategies. A systematic approach based on typical lost cat behavior, as well as...

Trimming a cat’s claws every few weeks is an important part of maintaining your pet’s health and protects him, you, your family and visitors as well as the sofa, curtains and other furniture.

What is declawing? Declawing is the amputation of the last bone of each toe on a cat’s paw. It would be like cutting off your finger at the last knuckle. The standard method of declawing is amputating with a scalpel or guillotine clipper. The wounds are closed with stitches or surgical glue, and the...

In January 2023, our Animal Rescue Team responded to an alleged cruelty and neglect case in Crystal Springs, Mississippi, where more than 170 cats were trapped in horrific conditions.

I've put it off for months, but the dreaded day is here. An hour before the appointment time, I grab the cat carrier from the garage and, faking a nonchalance I’m far from feeling, enter the living room. Nellie isn’t fooled. Even though she’s my “easy” cat, the only one I can pick up, the one who...

With a mission to protect all animals, the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) stands on common ground with those who care about both cats and wildlife. With determination, innovation and collaboration, we can implement and sustain effective programs to humanely resolve human-cat-wildlife...

Cats can be finicky about their bathroom habits, so keeping your cat's litter box up to their standards is very important. You don’t need to teach your cat what to do with a litter box; instinct will generally take over. You do need to provide an acceptable, accessible litter box and show your cat...

It's a myth that going outside is a requirement for feline happiness. Playing regularly with a cat and providing their entertaining toys can easily satisfy their stalking instinct, keep them stimulated and provide the exercise they need to stay healthy and happy. It also keeps local wildlife safe...

Colorado’s mountain lions, bobcats and lynx are under threat from trophy hunting and need protection now.

WASHINGTON—The U.S. Senate just passed the Big Cat Public Safety Act (H.R. 263, Senate companion bill S. 1210) by unanimous consent. This follows the bill’s passage by the U.S. House of Representatives on July 29. The legislation prohibits keeping tigers, lions and other big cat species as pets, and...

Bringing a new cat into your home is a big deal for your resident cat(s). Why? Because your cats are likely to initially view the new cat as a threat as opposed to a friend. That’s not an ideal way to start a relationship, but that’s the reality with cats. However, there is good news! By following...

Having a baby is not only a major life event for you, it’s also a big deal for your cat! Cats do best with the same daily routines and familiar people, and a new baby in the home will lead to changes in the household that may cause your cat some stress. However, the great news is that with the right...

Loree O’Hagan’s new home in Great Cacapon, West Virginia, came with four bedrooms, a wrap-around deck, a view of the mountains—and a family of feral cats. That last detail wasn’t mentioned in the seller’s disclosure report, but O’Hagan and her husband got an inkling on moving day, when they spotted...

JACKSON, Mississippi—The Humane Society of the United States is assisting the City of Crystal Springs with the rescue of approximately 176 cats from an alleged large-scale neglect situation. Mississippi Animal Rescue League also assisted on-scene. Law enforcement served a search and seizure warrant...

INDIANAPOLIS—Indiana’s law prohibiting direct public contact with big cats and bears goes into effect on July 1. Implementation of this law brings much needed protection for some of the animals who have been subjected to public handling and forced to live in abysmal facilities in the state...