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Anyone who knows chimney swifts, with their cigar-shaped bodies almost constantly aloft, chattering, sweeping insects out of the sky, will wonder why they need to be mentioned in a work on resolving animal conflicts. The reason for this is not because they cause any special problem for us, but...

One of the best ways to enjoy wildlife in the comfort of your home is by watching the birds who visit your backyard.

Crows may be intelligent because, like us and other smart species, they are very social. The groups of crows in your backyard are extended families who share food and look out for each other. Some young crows help their parents care for younger siblings before breeding themselves. Crows work...

Ever wonder why it is that we somehow lose the fascination we have as kids for observing insects? Perhaps we acquire a few too many negative stories, or we end up focusing only on the mosquitoes biting us on summer evenings, or the uninvited ants in our kitchen. But what about all the other insect...

Bats are fascinating animals; they are the world’s only flying mammal and can fly at speeds over 100 miles an hour. They also play a vital role in their ecosystems by pollinating fruits, dispersing seeds and keeping insect populations balanced. Learn More About Bats There are more than 40 bat...

Want to see more butterflies, birds and other creatures in your yard? Bring in a few native trees and see what happens! Amazing and beautiful beings themselves, trees multi-task like crazy, providing many essentials of life—food, cover, shelter and nest sites—for creatures large and small. A tree to...

There are many different kinds of sparrows in North America. But, the house sparrow—the little brown bird we see hopping boldly on city streets—is the most widespread and most often in conflict with people. In fact, house sparrows are one of the most widespread animals on this planet. Likely this is...

European starlings are widespread across North America. They eat a wide variety of foods and are willing to use a wide variety of places to nest and roost. This flexible nature helps them thrive in cities and suburbs as well as on farms. They are one of only a few birds who live in otherwise barren...

Every day, more and more wildlife habitat is lost to the spread of development. Give a little back by building your own humane backyard! It doesn't matter whether you have a small apartment balcony, a townhouse with a sliver of ground, a suburban yard, a sprawling corporate property or a community...

Entertainment Dogs may dig for entertainment when they learn that roots and soil "play back." Your dog may be digging for entertainment if: They're left alone in the yard for long periods of time without the company of their human family. Their environment is relatively barren—with no playmates or...

Contents What is meant by "chaining" or "tethering" dogs? Why do people tether their dogs? Why is tethering bad for dogs? How does tethering dogs pose a danger to humans? How should dogs be confined and restrained safely? Should tethering ever be allowed? What about attaching a dog's leash to a...

Glue boards (also known as glue traps) might seem like a safe solution to ridding your home of uninvited guests of the crawling, flying or scurrying sort, but they are one of the cruelest.

Sharing your life with a horse can be a rewarding experience, but it includes the responsibility of caring for your equine companion for life. Your horse depends on your love, care and commitment, which you can show through grooming, petting, riding and the occasional treat. With good care, your...

Skunks, easily identifiable by their characteristic black and white striping, are infamous for producing a foul odor when frightened. Although a skunk’s spray is known mostly for its robust smell, it can also cause intense discomfort if it gets into a person or animal’s eyes. People will go to...

Opossums get a bum rap. Often seen as pests and accused of everything from knocking over garbage cans to killing chickens, these quiet marsupials are rarely a threat and easily sent on their way. Learn More About Opossums Contents What are common problems and solutions with opossums? How can I keep...

Keeping your pet cats inside is the best way to ensure their safety and protect wild animals in the area. But if you’re feeding community cats or your neighbors let their kitties roam—and you also enjoy putting out bird feeders—follow these tips to promote everyone’s safety.

If community cats are aggravating you or your pets, you should first identify who is caring for the cats and connect them with local trap-neuter-return ( TNR) resources. Simply removing outdoor cats is seldom a long-term solution as more cats move into the area to take advantage of handouts from...

Fur factory farms and trappers kill millions of animals each year using brutal methods just for their fur. With your help, the Humane Society of the United States is fighting back—and winning—with brands, cities and countries moving away from fur. But to make progress, we need you. There are five...

This list is provided as a resource for horse owners and is for informational purposes only. Please contact specific vendors for more information on their services. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of all listings. This list is not exhaustive and is subject to change over time. The...

White-tailed deer, North America’s most abundant larger herbivore, number an estimated 30 to 35 million in the United States, found in every state but Alaska, California, Hawai'i, Nevada and Utah. With hunting restrictions, their population has rebounded to where it was before Europeans arrived...