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Pangolins are gentle mammals who curl into a defensive ball when threatened.

In March, as people struggled to understand how the precursor of the virus that causes COVID-19 emerged from horseshoe bats in southern China and reached humans in the central city of Wuhan, Humane Society International policy specialist Peter Li fielded one question again and again: “Why do Chinese...

Sharing your life with a horse can be a rewarding experience, but it includes the responsibility of caring for your equine companion for life. Your horse depends on your love, care and commitment, which you can show through grooming, petting, riding and the occasional treat. With good care, your...

Monkeys are agile, intelligent primates—some of the closest animal relatives to humans.

Stuffed in a sports bag in Johannesburg, South Africa, the small pangolin was far from her natural environment. She’d been poached from her home and held without food or water for around 10 days, and now she was up for sale. In February 2020, wildlife traffickers brought her to an arranged meeting...

Media Downloads: Dogs Arriving in the U.S. and Settling in at Care Center Dogs Leaving South Korea at Incheon Airport Rescue at the Dog Meat Farm WASHINGTON―One month after the South Korean government announced a bill to ban the dog meat industry, 27 dogs rescued by Humane Society International from...

Someone must have been bringing food and water to the husky mixes at the junk-strewn property just off the interstate near Las Vegas, New Mexico. But when our Animal Rescue Team arrived in March, there were only scraps of kibble on the frozen, feces-caked ground and a bowl of what looked like mud...

The young Belgian Malinois was only supposed to stay with Lisa Kauffman for a month. Kauffman, HSUS wildlife protection public policy program manager, welcomed Emmie into her home last October after she was found as an underweight stray and brought to a California shelter. Kauffman planned to care...

It began, almost certainly, in a bat. Then, just as SARS jumped to civets from bats, the virus that causes COVID-19 passed to another mammal, possibly a pangolin. Finally, late last year, the new coronavirus most likely jumped to humans in a wildlife market in Wuhan, China, a densely populated city...

Contents Plan for your pets Make a disaster kit for pets If you evacuate, take your pet If you stay home, do it safely Pets and wildfires After the emergency Additional resources for equines, livestock and community cats

Sixty-two dogs were living on the Las Vegas, New Mexico, property when our Animal Rescue Team arrived in March to assist in rescuing them. They were found outdoors on frozen ground littered with broken glass, wires and other debris. Kirsten Peek, HSUS media relations manager, was present that day...