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Because plant-based eating (such as vegan and vegetarian diets) benefits people, animals and the planet.

There’s a surprisingly simple way to make a big difference in the lives of animals: incorporating more plant-based foods. The more plants you eat, the more animals you’ll spare from lives of suffering. Fewer mother pigs will be kept in crates so small they can barely move. Fewer egg-laying hens will...

For horses to be spared cruel and needless deaths.

The Humane Society of the United States has released its annual Protein Sustainability Scorecard, which assesses the efforts of top U.S. food service companies to reduce their impact on the environment and animals through purchasing and menuing practices. The companies included in this report are...

In 2019, Sara Shields, in southern India for workshops with Humane Society International colleagues, drove into the countryside near Bangalore to visit industrial chicken operations. At the first farm she stopped at, she saw hundreds of white-feathered birds in long open-sided barns with burlap...

Fertility control: Essential to American wild burros and mustangs While wild burros are legally viewed in the same light as the American mustang, protected as a living symbol of the American West, the wild horses often seem to receive most of the public's attention. But burros have played a critical...

The overwhelming majority of meat, eggs and dairy sold in the United States come from industrial factory farms where animals are housed in ruthlessly small spaces and subjected to other cruel treatment. Packaging for animal products frequently contains phrases or images meant to signify higher...

Imagine a chicken. Picture her downy white feathers and small, intense eyes. Maybe she’s sitting on a nest, softly clucking. Perhaps she’s scratching in the dirt, a quaint red barn in silhouette behind her. Cows graze contentedly nearby; a pig snuffles in the mud. It’s an idyllic vision, familiar...

Scientists have just begun to scratch the surface when it comes to understanding bird brains. But studies have shown what backyard chicken caregivers already know: The world’s most most intensively farmed animal has remarkable cognitive abilities.

I’ve often dreamt of taking plant-based food to the land of my ancestors here in Brazil. As a chef with Humane Society International, I create plant-based recipes based on ingredients available in schools and have trained hundreds of chefs in how to make them. This year we partnered with the...

MONMOUTH, Ore.—The Humane Society of the United States is thrilled to announce that Western Oregon University, the state’s oldest public university, has signed the Forward Food Pledge, committing to transition the university’s campus dining menus to 50% plant-based meals by 2027. WOU has set this...