Showing 20 of 42 results

Because plant-based eating (such as vegan and vegetarian diets) benefits people, animals and the planet.

Because cruelty often happens behind closed doors.

By honoring the love people have for their pets.

In 2019, Sara Shields, in southern India for workshops with Humane Society International colleagues, drove into the countryside near Bangalore to visit industrial chicken operations. At the first farm she stopped at, she saw hundreds of white-feathered birds in long open-sided barns with burlap...

Factory farm animals, locked in extreme confinement, suffer some of the worst cruelty imaginable. Egg-laying hens are confined in cages so small they can’t even flap their wings. Mother pigs in the pork industry are locked in metal “gestation crates,” which prohibit them from turning around for...

Do your homework So you’ve decided to add a new pet to your family. First, you should answer some questions: What kind of pet will be the best fit for your household? Do you have enough time to devote to the daily needs of a dog? Is there someone in your household who is allergic? What about a non...

PHILADELPHIA— Aramark, the largest U.S.-based foodservice provider, announced today that by 2025, 44% of its residential dining menu offerings at more than 250 colleges and universities will be plant-based. Aramark and the Humane Society of the United States have collaborated on plant-based...

BEND, Oregon—Today at a hearing in Bend, the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission voted unanimously to prohibit wildlife killing contests for coyotes and other species classified as unprotected mammals in the state. A coalition of 22 local and national wildlife and conservation organizations and...

See the difference between cage-free egg production and battery-cage egg production.

Scientists have just begun to scratch the surface when it comes to understanding bird brains. But studies have shown what backyard chicken caregivers already know: The world’s most most intensively farmed animal has remarkable cognitive abilities.

Fresh Ideas Food Service Management, a company that focuses on creating an exceptional fresh food dining experience, based in Columbia, Missouri, has received an “A” on the Humane Society of the United States’ Protein Sustainability Scorecard. The goal of the scorecard is to establish what the...

The Humane Society of the United States was founded to tackle animal welfare challenges that were historically beyond the reach of local organizations, supplement the essential work of animal shelters and rescues by addressing the root causes of animal cruelty, advocate for stronger laws to ensure...

The overwhelming majority of meat, eggs and dairy sold in the United States come from industrial factory farms where animals are housed in ruthlessly small spaces and subjected to other cruel treatment. Packaging for animal products frequently contains phrases or images meant to signify higher...

Herlan Manurung became a chef for the stories. During his childhood in Sumatra, Indonesia, food was the center of his family’s social life: Once a month his extended family gathered together, with everyone bringing a dish to share. There were few set recipes and lots of innovation. An uncle might...

Maggie the pig was abandoned on an island in a river, then rescued after a flood. First, she nearly starved. Then, she nearly drowned. When Maggie arrived at Black Beauty Ranch in March 2023 at age 2, caregivers hoped to give her a life that would make up for all the suffering. But the pig, bred to...

The stories reach Amanda Arrington via text message these days: The immunocompromised hospital worker in Milwaukee who brought her spunky dog, Rusty, onto her porch to give a socially distant thanks when a Pets for Life team member dropped off dog food. The veteran with four dogs—including a...

Contents What is the Humane Society of the United States’ Investigations Team? What do you investigate? How often do your investigations result in successful outcomes? What’s it like to be an undercover investigator? How can I become an investigator? How can I report cruelty? I work in law...

The Humane Society of the United States has just published its annual report evaluating food service companies on their environment and animal welfare commitments. The HSUS Protein Sustainability Scorecard assesses which companies are actually keeping their sustainability promises and which are...

The annual To the Rescue! gala supporting the work of the Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society International will take place Nov. 3, 2023, at Cipriani 42nd Street in New York City. Actress, author, producer and rabbit lover Amy Sedaris and actor and activist Justin Theroux, along...