Showing 14 of 14 results

Large-eyed, long-tailed lemurs are complex primates who belong exclusively in Madagascar.

Depending on pack ice for their habitat, polar bears are threatened by climate change—and by traffic in their fur and parts.

Whales are awe-inspiring giants of the sea.

To save wildlife from being killed just for bragging rights.

To keep wild animals where they belong—in the wild—and out of zoos and circuses.

To make the ocean safer for those who call it home.

Every morning, the teams at Black Beauty Ranch spread out across 1,400 acres to care for the nearly 650 animals who call the sanctuary home. It’s not an easy task. The sanctuary is home to around 40 species, meaning caregivers need a high level of knowledge about all sorts of animals. Insights into...

Flying back and forth over Cape Cod Bay, a survey plane spotted a half dozen of the world’s rarest creatures: North Atlantic right whales. Such sightings are good news. The species hovers near extinction—by one estimate, fewer than 360 remain. Each time researchers locate a whale, they take pictures...

The public display industry keeps many species of marine mammals captive in concrete tanks, especially whales and dolphins. The Humane Society of the United States believes that these animals are best seen in their natural coastal and ocean environments instead of being held captive simply to...

Nineteen strangers huddled together, smiling for a group photo. Many had only met that day. But they’d come together for one mission: to rescue over 700 wild animals from a Puerto Rican zoo—closed to the public since hurricanes battered the island in 2017—and a government-run detention center used...

It was the shot heard around the world. An American trophy hunter shot and severely injured Cecil with an arrow after he was lured outside Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe with elephant carcass bait. About 10 hours later, the hunting party tracked him down. A second arrow ended Cecil’s life. The...

MURCHISON, Texas—Ten lemurs, four macaques, two llamas, two coatis, three emus and an ostrich have made remarkable recoveries and living their best lives at Black Beauty Ranch in Murchison, Texas, after being removed from a now-shuttered zoo and a holding facility in Puerto Rico where they were...

In a quiet corner of Black Beauty Ranch, on a stone plinth beneath a maple tree, there’s an oval etching of a man and a burro. The man is Cleveland Amory, author and founder of the Fund for Animals, and the burro is Friendly, one of the first animals to call the sanctuary home. The two met in 1980...