Showing 20 of 61 results

Dolphins are highly intelligent and social marine mammals.

Pigs are gentle creatures with surprising intelligence.

Tigers are the largest cat species, with striped coat patterns as unique as fingerprints.

Because plant-based eating benefits people, animals and the planet.

To stop the barbaric practices of dogfighting and cockfighting.

To keep wild animals where they belong—in the wild—and out of zoos and circuses.

By reducing the suffering of animals raised for meat, eggs and dairy.

To make the ocean safer for those who call it home.

To keep animals safe in their natural habitat.

To reduce⁠—and eventually end⁠—harmful animal experiments.

At Black Beauty Ranch, titles like “caregiver” and “maintenance technician” don’t do the people who hold them justice, and they don’t capture the dozens of unique tasks the team carries out every day: figuring out how to get pine sap off a goat’s horn (rub it with peanut oil), learning how to “drag”...

Murchison, TEXAS—A group of exotic wild animals who spent their lives at a deplorable roadside zoo in Canada are now receiving proper care and living their happily-ever-after at the 1,400-acre Black Beauty Ranch, a sanctuary that is part of the Humane Society of the United States. The animals...

Just as a historic freeze sent temperatures plummeting in Texas in February, overwhelming the state’s power grid, breaking pipes and leaving roads slick with ice, a strange call came into the Bexar County Sheriff’s Office near San Antonio. Someone said they heard an animal crying outside their...

In 2019, Sara Shields, in southern India for workshops with Humane Society International colleagues, drove into the countryside near Bangalore to visit industrial chicken operations. At the first farm she stopped at, she saw hundreds of white-feathered birds in long open-sided barns with burlap...

Factory farm animals, locked in extreme confinement, suffer some of the worst cruelty imaginable. Egg-laying hens are confined in cages so small they can’t even flap their wings. Mother pigs in the pork industry are locked in metal “gestation crates,” which prohibit them from turning around for...

India leaps into his pool, pouncing on a purple plastic egg—his favorite toy, according to his caregivers. After a few minutes, the tiger ambles over to his watering tub. Instead of taking a drink, he plops in and closes his eyes in contentment. Although he’s young—roughly 10 months old on this June...

As the year comes to an end, animal advocates celebrate the passage of three new animal protection ordinances and resolutions in Montclair. Most notably, Montclair prohibited the retail sale of dogs and cats in pet stores. Montclair joins 136 municipalities in New Jersey that have enacted humane pet...

The shocking number of animal cruelty cases reported every day is just the tip of the iceberg—most cases are never reported. Unlike violent crimes against people, cases of animal abuse are not compiled by state or federal agencies, making it difficult to calculate just how common they are. However...

Contents How many animals are used in experiments each year? Which animals are used in experiments? What kinds of experiments are animals used in? What kinds of institutions use animals in experiments? Where do laboratories get the animals they use in experiments? What is life like for animals in...

In October, the Supreme Court heard a pork industry challenge to California’s Proposition 12, the world’s strongest law to protect farm animals. The Humane Society of the United States and its allies defended the law, which requires that mother pigs , egg-laying hens and calves raised for veal in...