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MURCHISON, Texas—Five years ago, Humane Society International rescued over 200 wild exotic animals from decrepit, barren and disturbing conditions at St. Edouard Zoo, an unaccredited facility in Canada. The animals were taken to sanctuaries and qualified facilities throughout North America...

The technical term for breeds like pugs, French bulldogs (“Frenchies”), Boxers, Cavalier King Charles spaniels, Shih Tzus and others is “brachycephalic.” The structure of their bodies means that these breeds often suffer from health problems like breathing issues, skin fold infections, eye issues...

Between July and August 2019, a hidden-camera investigation conducted by the Humane Society of the United States in the Frisco, Texas, Petland store uncovered both animal mistreatment and rampant disease. Citations for alleged violations of the city animal control ordinance are reportedly pending...

Following one former lab worker's path to advocacy.

The scene was as grim as it gets: dozens of dogs confined to dilapidated hutches, leaking in the pouring rain, and dozens more— nearly 140 in all—crammed into filthy campers and a single mobile home. They cowered in groups, big dogs and small, some nearly hairless from skin conditions, others...

The Humane Society of the United States has developed an exciting humane curriculum tailored to this age group. From Nose to Tail: Lessons to Inspire Care and Compassion for Dogs is available in two versions, grades K-2 and 3-5. Both explore various dog-related humane issues, with a special focus on...

Someone must have been bringing food and water to the husky mixes at the junk-strewn property just off the interstate near Las Vegas, New Mexico. But when our Animal Rescue Team arrived in March, there were only scraps of kibble on the frozen, feces-caked ground and a bowl of what looked like mud...

Somewhere between childhood and middle age, people’s natural affinity for wildlife often melts away, overtaken by exaggerated fears of marauding armies of deer, insects and raccoons intent on invading our gardens and homes. Scorn for rabbits, the sensitive stars of many a bedtime story, is...

Nicole Jaworski is hovering over a big bone-shaped cookie, carefully squeezing more cheese from a can to write out “#4000.” A handful of beagle puppies have already licked off the tasty topping, abandoning the dog-friendly dessert for toys scattered throughout the room at our care and rehabilitation...

Oregon Gov. Tina Kotek signed bills to stop the sale of puppy mill puppies and kittens in pet stores (HB 2915) and to end the sale of animal-tested cosmetics (HB 3213). Kotek also recently signed a package of housing bills that included funding for domestic violence and homeless shelters to better...

Greyhound racing is on the wane—it's now illegal in more than 42 states. We can eliminate greyhound racing through education, compassion and action. Greyhounds are at a disadvantage even before they are born. Thousands are bred annually (many more than are needed to race) in an attempt to create the...

Corey Roscoe was in college when the tortoiseshell started hanging around her apartment building’s trash and crying loudly. “These loud cries across the parking lot were like the beacon for my inner cat person,” says Roscoe, director of humane policy volunteer state engagement at the Humane Society...

Some pets love the hustle and bustle of Halloween, while others will find this spooky holiday a bit stressful. We recognize that animals are individuals, so while you while enjoy the festivities, consider it from your pet’s perspective: A dog’s natural instinct is to protect their home or to alert...

When you’re looking to add a canine companion to your household, seeing the phrase “heartworm-positive dog” on an adoption profile might give you pause. You should know that although heartworm can be fatal, it is very treatable if caught early. And even more importantly, your veterinarian can...

You can help pets in your own neighborhood by getting to know your neighbors and familiarizing yourself with local food pantries, shelters and other pet services in your community. Donating small amounts of your time, resources or expertise to companion animal causes at a local level can strengthen...

Pet behavior and holiday guests Though the excitement of a party may overwhelm some pets, keep your pets inside during cold weather and provide plenty of toys to keep them busy. If needed, provide your cat or dog with a quiet room or crate during holiday parties and/or prepare ahead of time to...

The Humane Society of the United States released its 11th annual Horrible Hundred report today, drawing back the curtain to reveal the cruelty and broken enforcement system lurking behind the cute puppies that the public sees in pet stores and online. The report describes violations such as failing...

The Humane Society of the United States has released its annual Horrible Hundred report, which exposes violations or concerns at 100 puppy mills to educate the public about conditions prevalent in breeding operations throughout the country. Researchers combed through inspection records from state...