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Chinchillas are small rodents native to South America who live in large colonies.

These sleek, beautiful animals live in coastal waters, hunting for fish in the sea and returning to land to give birth to their young.

Whales are awe-inspiring giants of the sea.

To keep wild animals where they belong—in the wild—and out of zoos and circuses.

To make the ocean safer for those who call it home.

Canada's annual commercial seal hunt is the largest slaughter of marine mammals on the planet. Facing harsh criticism the world over because of the hunt's cruelty and unsustainability, the Canadian government and fishing industry have spread much misinformation. Here are the basic facts about the...

Flying back and forth over Cape Cod Bay, a survey plane spotted a half dozen of the world’s rarest creatures: North Atlantic right whales. Such sightings are good news. The species hovers near extinction—by one estimate, fewer than 360 remain. Each time researchers locate a whale, they take pictures...

The public display industry keeps many species of marine mammals captive in concrete tanks, especially whales and dolphins. The Humane Society of the United States believes that these animals are best seen in their natural coastal and ocean environments instead of being held captive simply to...